Additional Transition Information

Our Discernment Committee wanted to offer a consolidated landing page with information that we feel might be of interest to prospective rectors. If you’ve reached this page, we hope you are beginning to feel called to enter into conversation with us. Our OTM Profile has been published, and we are actively accepting applications, with a deadline of April 12, 2021. If you are feeling the Spirit draw you to coastal southern Maine, we encourage you to submit your application through our diocesan Canon to the Ordinary, The Rev. Cn. Michael Ambler.

Our Services

Like most parishes, with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, St. Alban’s moved to virtual services early in 2020. Our Zoom services are recorded and published on our YouTube channel, which includes a mix of our 9:30 AM morning prayer and 5:30 PM Celtic Eventide services. Recently, with declining infection rates and the bishop’s blessing, we’ve been able to offer limited in-person worship at 9:30 AM, integrated with our Zoom service, and you’ve find several of these offerings on YouTube as well.

Annual Report and Vestry Minutes

We make our Annual Report and the minutes of recent Vestry meetings available online. These may be retrieved here.

Our OTM Profile

You may click here to open a PDF copy of the St. Alban’s OTM Profile. This document was last revised March 4, 2021.

The Rectory

We realize that housing for you and your family, if you have one, is an important consideration as you contemplate a new call. St. Alban’s is blessed with a beautiful rectory on the church grounds (your “commute” would be about 100 yards). Our former rector, Fr. Timothy Boggs, recorded the following video tour last summer to give you an idea of what this home has to offer. Please note that the Building & Grounds Committee is currently in the planning stage of some renovations to the rectory. We’re happy to provide more details when we meet.